Terms & Conditions

*---------महत्वाची सूचना---------*

आपल्या प्रोफाईल मध्ये अपूर्ण माहिती असल्यास, फोटो नसल्यास, चुकीचा फोटो असल्यास, असंबंधित फील्डमध्ये संपर्क तपशील नमूद केलेला असल्यास, आमच्या नियमांचे उल्लंघन करणारे आक्षेपार्ह/असंबंधित उल्लेख असल्यास तसेच आपल्या वय, वैवाहिक स्थिती, शैक्षणिक, व्यवसायिक पात्रतेनुसार अनुरूप स्थळां व्यतिरिक्त इतर स्थळांना इंटरेस्ट पाठवल्यास, स्थळांना रात्रीचे अवेळी फोन करून त्रास दिल्यास, आपला प्रोफाईल थेट कायमस्वरूपी डिलीट केला जाईल, त्यानंतर आपल्याला नवीन प्रोफाईल तयार करता येणार नाही.

    तसेच आपला विवाह झाल्यास किंवा ठरल्यास संस्थेला कळविणे बंधनकारक आहे, जेणेकरून आपला प्रोफाईल डिलीट केला जाईल व आपल्याला कुणाचेही फोन किंवा मेसेजेस येणार नाहीत, याची कृपया गांभीर्याने नोंद घ्यावी.


*--------IMPORTANT NOTICE---------*

If your profile contains incomplete information, no photo, wrong photo, Contact Details mentioned in unrelated fields, offensive / unrelated description that violates our rules, if you send interests to Bride/Grooms which are not matching according to your age, marital status, educational, professional qualifications, if you harass the Bride/Grooms by calling them at late night, your profile will be directly deleted permanently. After that you will not be able to create a new profile.

  Also, it is compulsory to inform our institute if you get married, so that your profile will be deleted permanently and you will not receive any calls or messages from anyone.


Welcome to our website. If you persist to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to abide and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which in concert with our privacy policy govern Charmakar Vivah.in of the relationship with you in relation to this website. If you disagree with any of the below-mentioned terms and conditions, please do not use our site.

The term 'Charmakar Vivah.in "or" us "or" we "refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is in Maharashtra, India. Our registration number is [NUMBER]. The term "you" refers to the visitor of our website.

Use of this site is subject to the following conditions:

  • The content of this website is for general information and use only. They are subject to change without any notice.
  • We use cookies to monitor visitor browsing preferences. If you do permit cookies, the following information will be stored by us for use by third parties: country, state, and city information.
  • Neither we nor any third parties give any warranty to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness, or suitability of the information offered on this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that provided information may contain inaccuracies or errors and we explicitly leave out liability for any such inaccuracies to the fullest amount permitted by law. 
  • Your use of any information on this website is completely at your own risk, for which we shall not be legally responsible. It will be your responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website fulfill your specific needs.
  • This website contains information that is owned by us. This information includes, but is not restricted to, the design, layout, appearance, and graphics. Duplication is forbidden other than in agreement with the copyright notice that forms part of these terms and conditions.
  • All trademarks replicated on this website which are not the property of the owner are acknowledged on the website.
  • Unauthorized use of any information may give rise to a criminal offense.
  • This website may also incorporate links to other sites. These links are offered for your expediency to present further information. They do not indicate that we approve the website (s). We have no liability for the content of the linked information.
  • Objectionable content and behaviours such as mentioned below are prohibited.
    1. Promoting sexually explicit content & photos.
    2. Threats, harassment or bullying, particularly toward minors.
    3. Posts, comments or photos within an app that are primarily intended to harass or single out another person for abuse, malicious attack or ridicule.
    4. Posting Fake Profiles information & Photos.
    5. Posting wrong, fake review on Google play store from Competitive agencies / Prejudiced persons with intention to Defame. About objectionable content first complaint or bring to notice of the Website/App Developer.

  • Anyone who does not comply with above mentioned terms & conditions, their profile will be removed without informing them and appropriate legal action will be taken against them. Please also read our Privacy Policy.

  • The use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use of the website is subject to the laws of India.

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